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Lee Kum Kee will sell smart bracelet?

2015-09-08 05:22:02来源: 南方网

昨天(9月6日)开始,一些媒体报道了老牌调味品品牌“李锦记”开始发售他们的第一款可穿戴设备(HeHa手环,售价799元)的消息。 媒体称,做调料起家的李锦记,趁着这个时候建立了一家互联网智能硬件公司,目前已经开始售卖了他们的第一款产品——HeHa手环一代。这款手环也同样具有计步、跑步...

yesterday (September 6) started, some media reported "old condiment brand" Lee Kum Kee started to sell their first wearable devices (bracelet HeHa, price of 799 yuan) the news. Started to do the seasoning Lee Kum Kee, while this time to set up an internet intelligent hardware company, has begun selling the their first products -- HeHa Bracelet generation the media said. This bracelet also has a step, running...