新关注 > 信息聚合 > 当 江歌遇害案 变成 江歌刘鑫案 会连带伤害谁?

当 江歌遇害案 变成 江歌刘鑫案 会连带伤害谁?

When song jiang's case became a song jiang rebekah case will be collateral damage?

2017-11-15 00:35:36来源: 网易新闻


Recently, the Chinese students in song jiang's death sparked public opinion attention again in Japan. Killer Chen Shifeng, namely jiang song roommate rebekah's former boyfriend, has been the Japanese police catch. And rebekah was slow in the face of the media and song jiang mother, song jiang mother open rebekah's personal information on the Internet, a telekinesis clash between the two sides on the Internet.