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高人提前拿到iPhone X并晒出视频:画面爽翻了

Down in advance to get the iPhone X and bask in the video: cool over the picture

2017-10-22 11:36:00来源: 元器件交易网

本周,凯基证券分析师郭明池透露,iPhone X上市初期的备货量是200~300万部,看起来很难满足需求。但他随后又发布报告补充,iPhone X生产的艰难期已经过期,明年春季的市场供货会显著改善。

This week, kgi securities analysts, ming-chi kuo said the iPhone X listed stock quantity is 200 ~ 3 million, in the early looks difficult to meet the demand. But he then added in a report, the iPhone X production difficult period has expired, the spring of the market supply will be improved significantly.

标签: 视频