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半场-武磊怒射破僵却失单刀 中国暂1-1日本

Half - Wu Lei nushe broken stiff but lost the pole China temporarily 1-1 Japan Sina

2015-08-09 22:17:15来源: 新浪

武磊破门 新浪体育讯 北京时间8月9日晚,2015东亚杯最后一场赛事展开,中国国家男足对阵日本队;日本队开场即制造威胁,宇佐美贵史的射门击中中国队横梁;第10分钟,中国队由郜林策动流畅攻势,武磊...

Wu Lei break of sina sports news Beijing time on the evening of August 9, 2015 Asian Cup final of the tournament, China's national soccer team against Japan; Japanese team opening that threat, Takashi Usami's shooting hit the Chinese team beams; the first 10 minutes, the Chinese team by Gao Lin instigated smooth offensive, Wu Lei...