新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游久游戏业务与区块链业务无关 15日复牌

游久游戏业务与区块链业务无关 15日复牌

Long game business and block chain business has nothing to do with 15 days

2018-01-13 06:52:06来源: 网易财经


On the 12 night, Yu Jiu game replied to the notice of the Shanghai Stock Exchange inquiry. The main business of the company is the issuance and R & D of online games, and the operation of the game media information platform, which has nothing to do with the block chain business. Up to now, the company only carries out news tracking reports and information transmissions on the block chain within its website channels. The company has not carried out the specific work related to the block chain business, nor has carried out the block chain related personnel reserve, fund raising and so on.

标签: 区块链 游戏