新关注 > 信息聚合 > 星座真心话:水瓶乱搞女人反赖我撒泼(图)


Sign, Aquarius banging other women over the head with the lai I search (figure)

2016-10-04 17:03:03来源: 新浪

水瓶乱搞女人,还发果照!我受不了了质问他!结果他说我无理取闹!觉得是我撒泼耍混!可是我给他特别亲密的评论时他会马上删掉,这难道不是证据么…… 新浪星座网友/ 爱了很痛 把爱说给新浪星座 事情...

Aquarius banging other women over the head with a club, also send fruit shine on! I can't stand the question him! As a result, he said I make trouble without a cause! Think I play a mixed search! But I give him special close comments he will delete immediately, isn't this evidence yao... Sina net friend constellation/love is pain Love said to sina constellation Things...

标签: 星座