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十二星座玩游戏 双子精神分裂 处女智障 你是哪种?

The zodiac play Gemini schizophrenia virgin retarded which are you?

2017-06-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

老司机当久了,场面也就见的多了,游戏玩多了,什么人玩游戏的套路也就知道了。十二星座谁玩游戏最奇葩,都喜欢什么样的游戏?看看下面,你就知道了。- 双子座:精神分裂 双子一面是天使一面是魔鬼,说的直白点就是有点精神分裂, 玩游戏也能体现出来。我见过双子座的玩家,最喜欢玩的小游戏就是象棋国际象棋之类的,据他们说是很考验智商,而且喜欢这种一个人静静的玩高智商游戏的感觉。 刚高智商没两分钟,就果断打开男生必玩栏目,开始疯狂拍大胸和推倒萌妹子了。 双子,典型精神分裂的代表。 处女座:智障先锋 说到处女座,肯定所有人都知道,处女座是个追求完美的星座,不管是做任何事情,都异常追求完美,不...

When the old driver for a long time, scene also will see much, much game play, what people playing the game routines also knew. The zodiac who play the most wonderful work, like what kind of game? Look at the following, you know. A side - Gemini: schizophrenia Gemini is an angel is the devil, said bluntly point is a little schizophrenic, play games can also be reflected. Gemini player I've ever seen, the most like to play chess game is chess, which they say is IQ test, and quietly like this kind of a person the feeling of a high IQ game. High IQ didn't just two minutes, then open up decisive boys will play, starts to make a big chest and toppled the attractive woman. Gemini, a typical representative of schizophrenia. Virgo: pioneer retarded Said women everywhere, everyone knows for sure, constellation virgo is a pursuit of perfection, whether do anything, have abnormal pursuit of perfection, no...

标签: 游戏 星座