新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日山口县中国留学生参加毕业典礼 将步入社会

日山口县中国留学生参加毕业典礼 将步入社会

Chinese day Yamaguchi students attend the graduation ceremony will enter society

2015-03-24 17:35:02来源: 中国新闻网

中新网3月24日电 据日本新华侨报网报道,日本各大学的学生们迎来了毕业季。近日,在日本山口县德山大学留学的中国学子与日本学生一起参加了毕业典礼,将满怀希望和信心步入社会。 据日本《每日新闻》消息,3月20日,山口县周南市的德山大学举行了毕业证书和学位证授予仪式。包括来自中国、韩国等国...

in new network on 24 March, according to the Japan Xinhua China Press reported, Japanese students the university graduation season ushered in the. Recently, in Yamaguchi Prefecture of Japan Tokuyama university study China students and Japanese students attended the graduation ceremony, will be full of hope and confidence to enter the society. According to Japan's "Daily News" news, March 20th, Yamaguchi Zhounan City Tokuyama University held a graduation certificate and degree certificate awarding ceremony. Including from China, South Korea and other countries...