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“柿”业红火 恭城国家级示范区品牌效应日益显著

The persimmon industry is booming GongCheng national demonstration area of brand is increasingly significant

2016-11-12 16:33:53来源: 广西新闻网

广西新闻网记者 宋瑶 通讯员 赵代龙 金薇 11月上旬,记者来到中国“月柿之乡”——恭城瑶族自治县红岩村的万亩柿子林,看到“累累柿子黄,秋获争登场”的丰收盛景。这些成熟的柿子鲜果采摘后或销往全国各地,或制成柿饼走向国外市场。恭城县自创建出口水果质量安全示范区以来,品牌建设成效显著,水果...

Guangxi news network reporter Song Yao correspondent Zhao Dailong Jin Wei in early November, the reporter comes to China's "YueShi of the township" -- GongCheng yao autonomous county of the red crag village ten thousand mu of persimmon Lin, see "with persimmon yellow, autumn won for his" harvest. These ripe persimmon fruit after harvest or sold throughout the country, or made from dried persimmon to foreign markets. Since luohan create export fruit quality and safety demonstration area, effective brand construction, fruit...