新关注 > 信息聚合 > 烟台民建工业总支携手联谊会走访 共话企业发展

烟台民建工业总支携手联谊会走访 共话企业发展

Yantai industrial general branch committee of association visit plan for enterprise development hand in hand

2017-12-07 23:46:28来源: 齐鲁网

胶东在线12月6日讯 12月5日,烟台民建工业总支联合企业家联谊会会员组成调研组走进民建会员单位,共话企业发展。调研组参观了烟台美尔森石墨有限公司、 烟台银河新材料有限公司。民建企业家联谊会会长王永...

Jiaodong online news on December 5, on December 6, yantai industrial general branch committee of joint entrepreneurs association member of research group into the committee member units, plan for enterprise development. Research group visited yantai beauty coulson graphite co., LTD., yantai yinhe new materials co., LTD. Committee of entrepreneurs association President for...