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范冰冰林心如韩雪李菲儿 杨紫撞脸众当红女星

Fan Bingbing our Han Li Feier Yang Zizhuang face all the popular recently actress

2015-05-24 11:06:04来源: 人民网江苏视窗

近日,曾在《家有儿女》中扮演“小雪”的杨紫在微博中晒出一组照片,蓬蓬的空气刘海,配着淡然的表情,引起网友关注,有网友高呼其撞脸范冰冰,酷似“范爷”在戛纳期间的“花仙子”造型。 自拍照中,杨紫显得...

and worked in the family has children "play" Snow "Yang Zi in the microblogging drying out a group of photos, puff of air bangs with indifferent expression, cause net friend attention, net friend shouted it hit the Fan Bingbing face resembles a" Fan Ye "during the Cannes" Thumbelina "shape. Since taking pictures, Yang Zi appears...