新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人才缺乏病源不足政策歧视 民营医院发展要过3道..

人才缺乏病源不足政策歧视 民营医院发展要过3道..

Lack of talent pathogenic insufficient policy discrimination against private hospital development to 3..

2015-05-31 23:41:20来源: 新华报业网

新华报业网讯 由南京大学医院管理研究所、南京鼓楼医院等主办的“新常态下公立医院改革和民营医院机遇——中美医院管理高峰论坛”今天在南京举行。专家说,新的医改背景下,民营医院发展有着巨大潜力,但目前民营...

Xinhua newspaper network by Nanjing University Hospital Management Research Institute, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital and other sponsored by the "new normal opportunities for the reform of public hospitals and private hospitals -- Sino American Hospital Management Forum today in Nanjing held. Experts said that the new medical reform background, private hospital development has great potential, but the current private...