新关注 > 信息聚合 > G联赛2015魔兽争霸3项目线下总决赛 TH000 vs Zh..

G联赛2015魔兽争霸3项目线下总决赛 TH000 vs Zh..

G League 2015 Warcraft 3 line project finals vs th000 Zh..

2015-07-07 01:15:46来源: 太平洋游戏网

导读: 本届G联赛魔兽项目八强将采取BO3单败淘汰(决赛为BO5)的赛制,八名选手为了最后的冠军宝座势必会拼尽全力。是蛋塔继续会师决赛呢,还是玉米四哥等人异军突起,亦或是路大大、Nicker这2个外...

introduction: current g League Warcraft items to the quarterfinals will take BO3 single elimination (final bo5) format, eight players for the final champion is bound to do everything together. Is it to the final egg or corn, Mahone or Lu et al A new force suddenly rises., greatly, the 2 outer Nicker...