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宋允皓热播剧飙戏芦芳生 演技“分裂”遭调侃

Song Yunhao hit the wind play lufangsheng acting "split" by ridicule

2014-12-04 15:21:03来源: 中国青年网

宋允皓、芦芳生剧照 搜狐娱乐讯 正在江苏卫视黄金档热播的强情节都市情感励志剧《第二次人生》即将收官,在70多集的超长剧情中,制作人杨利再次使出造星杀手锏,一众演技精湛的青年演员脱颖而出,其中内地...

Song Yunhao, lufangsheng stills Sohu Entertainment news is Jiangsu TV prime time hit strong plot the metropolis emotion inspiring drama "second life" is about ending, in the long story of more than 70 sets, producer Yang Li again resorted to star killer the acting was superb, a young actor talent showing itself, including the mainland...