新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿列克谢耶维奇:曾为《锌皮娃娃兵》 被告上法庭

阿列克谢耶维奇:曾为《锌皮娃娃兵》 被告上法庭

Alexei urmanov. He was accused of the zinc skin child soldiers "Tangshan court

2015-10-13 09:38:30来源: 中国新闻网

◎唐山 “昨天,我的一个朋友被打死了。子弹击中头颅。他大概奔跑了十来米,想抓住自己的脑子……你能写这些吗?”被采访者用嘲弄的语气问阿列克谢耶维奇。他以为,她已经被吓坏了。 阿列克谢耶维奇还真...

\ \" yesterday, a friend of mine was killed. Bullet hit the head. He probably ran a dozen meters, trying to seize his mind...... Can you write it?" Asked Alexeyevich in a mocking tone. He thought she was terrified. Alexeyevich really...