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权力的游戏 《天道》国庆新服重铸建国大业梦

The power game "heaven" in the national day new service recast after the founding of the people's Republic of China dream

2015-09-28 18:11:25来源: 游久网

中秋月明,国庆将至,趁着长假,来《天道》新服“王者一服”参与王侯战,体验痛快淋漓的战争,一步一步踏上权力的宝座,创立一番建国大业!王侯将相宁有种乎?!乱世七雄争霸,唯一胜者才能品尝到权力顶峰的滋味! 极限PK经典国战网游 《天道》官方网站:http://td.zqgame.com...

mid autumn moon, the National Day is approaching, taking advantage of the holiday, to "heaven" new clothes "King" in Wang Houzhan, stirring experience of war, step by step into the power of the throne, founded a lot of the great cause of nation building. Nanjing military and political leaders there?! Only the winner will be gone for your taste, the taste of peak power! The ultimate PK classic online games "heaven" official website: http://td.zqgame.com...

标签: 游戏