新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马来西亚喵星人展示超强平衡力 爪子能顶起一切(图)

马来西亚喵星人展示超强平衡力 爪子能顶起一切(图)

Super force balance claws to top all Malaysia meow star people display (Figure)

2015-06-17 15:08:17来源: 东北网

【环球网综合报道】据日本新闻网站“en.rocketnews24.com”报道,众所周知,猫咪的爪子上有小小的肉垫,摸起来肉肉的,软软的,但是大部分猫咪都比较“高冷”,绝对不允许旁人触碰它们的爪子。然而,马来西亚有只猫咪却与众不同,任由自己的主人触碰、玩弄它的爪子。 最让人觉得不可思...

[World Wide Web roundup, according to the Japanese news website en.rocketnews24.com reports. Well known, cat's paw on small pads, feels Rourou, soft, but most of the cats are relatively high cold, absolutely not allow others touch their claws. However, there is a cat in Malaysia, but it is unique, and let its owner touch, playing with its claws. The most people think not think...