新关注 > 信息聚合 > 漫谈游戏音乐文化(一):音乐会的力量


Gossip game music culture (a): Concert of power

2015-09-25 14:50:19来源: 新浪

游戏音乐已经逐渐成为了一种不可忽视的文化现象,而游戏音乐会则担当了游戏音乐传播的重要途径作用,近年来在全球多个地区出现,成为了玩家们热议的话题。 那么,游戏音乐会是如何发展起来的?游戏音乐会有何...

game music has gradually become the a kind of cultural phenomenon that can not be ignored, and game music play a game music communication is an important way to effect, occurred in many parts of the world in recent years, has become internationally hot topic. So, how are the games developed? What's the game concert...

标签: 游戏