新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从单身少女到人母!徐若瑄叹女人不易做


From single girls to mother! Vivian Hsu sighed a woman is not easy to do

2016-03-13 17:34:52来源: 中国青年网

徐若瑄晒照 台湾女星徐若瑄 (Vivian)自升格为人母后,不时于网上分享其新手妈妈的生活点滴,而相隔一年三个月,Vivian亦开始投入工作,再次跟三个工作人员重逢的她,其后更在照片上mark了1、2、3,还逐个点赞道:“收工!!我们从单身少女、一路一起工作拼到现在!重聚了好开心!造...

Vivian sun according to Taiwan actress Vivian Hsu (Vivian) automatic upgrade of motherhood, from time to time on the Internet share the new mother's life intravenous drip, and separated by three months of the year, Vivian also began to put to work again with three staff to meet her, followed by more in the photo on the mark 1, 2, 3, one by one point praise: "knock off!! We worked together from a single girl, all the way to the present! The happy reunion! Made...