新关注 > 信息聚合 > 澳青少年12岁开始打工 平均时薪10澳元

澳青少年12岁开始打工 平均时薪10澳元

Australian youngsters started working at 12 years old with an average salary of 10 Australian dollars

2017-09-01 11:23:10来源: 网易客户端


In Australia, many young people will work in their spare time, according to the new express network in Australia. A study on this shows that some Australian teenagers start working at the age of 12. In terms of salary, the average hourly wage of working youth is 10 Australian dollars. The youngsters aged 14 to 15 may work 6 hours a week, making about 77 Australian dollars. The number of people working in this group is close to 40%.