新关注 > 信息聚合 > 超强性能 英睿达DDR4 2400 8GB内存热销

超强性能 英睿达DDR4 2400 8GB内存热销

Superior performance The farce of DDR4 2400 8 gb of memory

2016-07-08 06:31:21来源: 中关村在线

英睿达铂胜运动DDR4 2400 8GB台式机内存采用了原厂美光颗粒,质量有保证。英睿达有35年行业经验,性能稳定,节能环保,这款内存专为游戏发烧友设计,有很快的速度和响应能力。 这款内存采用数...

The farce of platinum - sports DDR4 2400 8 gb desktop memory using the original micron particles, quality assured. The British media for 35 years of industry experience, stable performance, energy conservation, environmental protection, the memory is designed for game enthusiasts, with fast speed and responsiveness. The memory used for...