新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今年全球信用卡消费将首次超过现金


Global credit card consumption will surpass cash for the first time this year

2016-09-27 06:32:17来源: 新浪

新浪美股讯 北京时间27日凌晨,市场研究机构欧睿国际(Euromonitor International)周一发布报告称,2016年全球信用卡消费总额将达到23.2万亿美元左右,首次超过现金,后者消...

Sina U. S. stock news in the early morning of 27 Beijing time, the market research agency Euromonitor International released a report on Monday that the total global credit card consumption in 2016 will reach about 23 trillion and 200 billion US dollars, for the first time more than cash, the latter.