新关注 > 信息聚合 > 摄影师被誉唐山影像字典:不忍将镜头对准遇难者


Photographer was famous dictionary: tangshan images to aim the camera of the victims

2016-07-28 11:49:38来源: 中国新闻网

常青用镜头记录了唐山重生的整个过程。 大震后第二天,摄影师常青按下快门,成就四十年的“唐山影像” 今年82岁的常青老人是唐山市的一位摄影家。40年前的那场震惊世界的大地震,改变了他的人生轨迹。常青放弃了做风光摄影家的梦想,地震之后第二天,就开始用相机记录被巨大灾难袭击的唐山。在他...

Evergreen with camera recorded the whole process of tangshan rebirth. The next day after the quake, the photographer evergreen press the shutter, achievement this year 40 years of "image" of tangshan evergreen, a 82 - year - old old man is a photographer, tangshan. Forty years ago that the earthquake shocked the world, changed his life path. Evergreen gave up the dream of becoming a landscape photographer, the second day after the earthquake, began to use the camera records being attacked by a huge disaster in tangshan. In his...