新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第十四届上海教育博览会本周开幕


The opening of the 14th Shanghai education fair this week

2017-04-05 16:06:46来源: 中国广播网

央广网上海4月5日消息(记者吴善阳 通讯员刘蕾)由中共上海市教育卫生工作委员会、上海市教育委员会指导,上海教育报刊总社主办的第十四届上海教育博览会“优质·均衡”教育展暨上海学生阅读指导推广展示活动将...

Epicenter wide net Shanghai April 5 news (reporter Wu Shanyang correspondent Liu Lei) by the communist party of Shanghai municipal education and health guidance work committee, Shanghai municipal education committee, sponsored by Shanghai education press expands the 14th Shanghai education expo "high quality, balanced" for Shanghai students reading guide show promotion activities will be...