新关注 > 信息聚合 > 克林斯曼儿子守门1场被灌8球 父亲出生地遭羞辱

克林斯曼儿子守门1场被灌8球 父亲出生地遭羞辱

Klinsmann porters son 1 field being fed 8 ball father was born of being humiliated

2015-10-07 23:46:07来源: 网易

网易体育10月7日报道: 美国U19在德国客场和德国U19的一场友谊赛,本是一场普通的青年国家队之间的较量,不过比赛却打出了一边倒的比分。德国U19在斯图加特主场8-1大胜来访的美国队,丢八个球的...

Netease sports October 7 reported: the U19 in Germany Road and Germany U19 in a friendly match, this is between an ordinary youth national team contest, but the game was played lopsided score. Germany U19 in Stuttgart 8-1 USA home court victory over the visiting team, lost eight balls...