新关注 > 信息聚合 > 房祖名曾在街头卖艺 成龙感叹:身不由己罢了(组..

房祖名曾在街头卖艺 成龙感叹:身不由己罢了(组..

Jaycee Chan lamented in a street performer Jackie Chan: just involuntarily (group..

2015-03-20 19:38:01来源: 南方网

关键字: 房祖名 街头卖艺 成龙 自我反思 压力很大 苦衷 身不由己 组图 摘要: 成龙也进行了反思,并没有责备房祖名:“他一直受我的影响之下,压力很大。”每个人都有苦衷,只是有的时候身不由己罢了。 成龙在录制某节目现场提起儿子往事,自曝房祖名曾在街头卖艺,带着帽子在街头跳踢踏舞,...

Keywords: Jaycee Chan busk Jackie Chan self reflection, pressure is very great difficulties involuntarily photos Abstract: Jackie Chan also was reconsidered, and did not blame Jaycee Chan: "he is a direct influenced by me under a lot of pressure." Each people all have difficulties, but sometimes involuntarily. Jackie Chan brought his son in a past record program scene, exposing Jaycee Chan once in the street performers, wearing a hat to tap dance in the street,...