新关注 > 信息聚合 > 超长"待机王" 地表拥有最大电池的手机荐

超长"待机王" 地表拥有最大电池的手机荐

King long "standby" commend the surface has the largest cell phone

2017-03-24 17:46:08来源: 华商网

第1页:拍照续航样样行:OPPO R9s Plus 如今社会,纵使没有男女朋友,也不能没有手机。因为现在手机功能确实太强大了,除了上网、通话外,还可以游戏、视频、打车、点餐、听音乐……但这必须有...

Page 1: photo line life everything: OPPO R9s Plus nowadays society, even if no men and women friends, also can not live without mobile phones. Because of the mobile phone function really is too strong now, in addition to the Internet, phone, can also games, video, take a taxi, order, and listen to music... But it must be...