新关注 > 信息聚合 > TUPT途游扑克锦标赛赵杰:现场正式比赛会紧张


Zhao jie poker tournament TUPT way: official matches will be nervous at the scene

2017-07-15 21:55:25来源: 新浪体育

7月15日,由棋牌行业知名厂商途游游戏举办的“2017 TUPT途游扑克锦标赛”第二场分站赛在冰城哈尔滨圆满收官,来自安徽的赵杰获得冠军,并拿到了2万元奖金。赵杰称,我是来自安徽的赵杰,目前在长春市居住。你拿到2017TUPT途游扑克锦标赛哈尔滨分站赛的冠军,获得了2万元的高额奖金。

On July 15, held by the well-known manufacturers road tour game board industry "2017" TUPT way to swim poker tournament second race wins in Harbin city complete MSC, from anhui province zhao jie, winning the championship and got the bonus of $20000. Zhao jie zhao jie said, I am from anhui province, now living in changchun city. Did you get 2017 Harbin great tupt way to swim poker tournament won a $20000 in bonuses.