新关注 > 信息聚合 > 福建晋江要求教师禁止从事“微商” 并签承诺书

福建晋江要求教师禁止从事“微商” 并签承诺书

Fujian jinjiang requires teachers engaged in "wechat business" and sign the letter of commitment is prohibited

2017-03-31 16:43:19来源: 中国青年网

晋江英峰小学教职工签署不从事“微商”等营利性活动承诺书。图/晋江龙湖镇教育委员会 晋江市教育局下发文件,要求教育系统各单位对本单位教职工从事“微商”等“营利性活动”情况进行调查摸底,开展自查自纠。受访者供图 一纸红头文件,搅动福建晋江教育界,也引发全国性关注。 3月21日,福...

Jinjiang yingfeng elementary school faculty signed pledge not to engage in "wechat business" profit-making activities. Figure/jinjiang longhu town education committee Jinjiang city bureau of education issued documents, required units this unit staff engaged in the education system "wechat business" and other "for-profit activities", investigate a baseline for self-check. Respondents a paper red tape to figure, fujian jinjiang education, and national attention. On March 21, f...