新关注 > 信息聚合 > 空欢喜一场!最接近地球的行星不存在


Empty joy! Closest to planet earth does not exist

2015-08-20 10:13:24来源: 东北网

最新研究表明,被认为最近似地球的Gliese 581g行星实际上并不存在,只是主恒星磁场爆发导致的光线误差成像。 目前,一颗被认为最近似地球的行星现被证实并不存在,只是宇宙“光线幻象”而已。这项...

, the latest research suggests, is considered the closest planet Gliese 581g, doesn't actually exist, but the main stellar magnetic outbreak caused by light imaging errors. At present, one is considered to be the closest to the earth's planet is now confirmed that there is no, but the universe, the light illusion only. This...