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曾面临破产的Akonia借AR翻身 开发全息镜片

Faced bankruptcy Akonia borrowed holographic lens AR turn development

2017-01-03 07:46:28来源: 17173

Akonia Holographics,一家位于科罗拉多州朗蒙特的创业公司,该公司花了几年时间研究全息数据存储技术。然而它没有成功,但机缘巧合之下它发现了同一种技术的新用途。该公司现在计划使用全息技...

Akonia Holographics, a Colorado lang monte start-up, the company spent years studying the holographic data storage technology. But it didn't succeed, but under the coincidence it found new USES of the same technology. The company now plans to use holographic technology...