新关注 > 信息聚合 > 转战草原跃马扬鞭 上海大众333车队备战鄂尔多斯

转战草原跃马扬鞭 上海大众333车队备战鄂尔多斯

In the grassland of Shanghai Volkswagen 333 team preparing for the march forward courageously Erdos

2013-07-05 13:09:04来源: 新浪

上海大众333车队在鄂尔多斯试车 上海大众333车队的POLO GTI赛车 新浪体育讯 7月6~7日,CTCC长城润滑油中国房车锦标赛即将在风光秀丽的内蒙古鄂尔多斯国际赛车场展开第四分站的较量,上海大众333车队的Polo GTI赛车期待着再次征服这如同骏马一般的鄂尔多斯赛道,跃马...

Shanghai Volkswagen 333 team in Erdos test Shanghai Volkswagen 333 team POLO GTI racing of sina sports dispatch on July 6 ~ 7 days, China Touring Car Championship CTCC the Great Wall lubricating oil will be launched in fourth stations in the beautiful scenery of the Inner Mongolia Erdos international racing game, Shanghai Volkswagen 333 team Polo GTI car look forward to once again to conquer the like horse general Erdos track, the Prancing horse...