新关注 > 信息聚合 > 智能语音助手加成 乐Pro 3双摄AI版评测

智能语音助手加成 乐Pro 3双摄AI版评测

Intelligent voice assistant bonus Pro 3 double taken AI version of the evaluation

2017-04-17 09:11:48来源: 中关村在线

长达半个月有关乐视新品手机的谜团终于解开。4月11日下午,乐视在北京以视频直播的方式发布了乐Pro 3双摄AI版,此次发布的乐Pro 3双摄AI版在去年9月发布的乐Pro3基础上,对AI人工智能和拍...

For half a month about Letv new mobile phone puzzle finally solved. On 11 April afternoon, apparent Beijing issued in the form of live video Pro 3 double taken AI version, the release of joy Pro 3 double taken AI le Pro3 released version in September last year, on the basis of the AI and pat...

标签: AI