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AMD RX 580完全跑分、超频测试:好马甲

AMD RX 580 completely run and overclocking test: good vest

2017-04-17 09:11:48来源: 中关村在线

本月18日,AMD将发布全新的RX 500系显卡,包括RX 580/570/560/550,阵容十分齐整。 按照已经泄露的官方PPT,RX 580公版首次抛弃单涡轮风扇,换用双风扇,外辅助供电设计...

On the 18th of this month, AMD will release new RX 500 graphics, including the RX / 560/550, 580/570 team is very neat. According to leaked official PPT, RX 580 male version for the first time to abandon single turbofan, change with double fan, auxiliary power supply design...