新关注 > 信息聚合 > 每天一杯秋葵水糖尿病人可以不吃药了吗


A cup of okra water diabetic patients can not take medicine again

2014-06-12 08:28:35来源: 杭州网

秋葵虽说一种蔬菜,但花也很漂亮。 记者求证得知:秋葵可以食疗,但不是“糖尿病克星” “朋友圈里很多人都在转,说秋葵是糖尿病克星,到底真的假的?家人亲戚中,也有得糖尿病的,相信你们,能求证下吗...

okra though a vegetable, but the flowers are very beautiful. A reporter asked that: okra can diet, but not "diabetes" Nemesis "circle of friends and a lot of people are in turn, said okra is diabetes Buster, what really? Family and relatives, also have diabetes, believe you can prove, under it...