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吴宇森新片《太平轮》开拍 金城武不在意发福被批

John Woo film "Pacific Wheel" shooting Takeshi not mind being fat batch

2013-07-08 01:51:03来源: 人民网

金城武 吴宇森 大病初愈的吴宇森精神不俗,和男主角金城武聊天。 林保怡对于能与吴宇森合作,感到十分兴奋。 吴宇森筹备多年的新片《太平轮》前日终于在怀柔开拍,主演金城武与林保怡都有出席开机仪式,章子怡、宋慧乔、黄晓明、日本女星长泽正美和吴宇森女儿吴飞霞因前日没戏份,没有到场。 ...

Takeshi Kaneshiro John Woo John Woo recovering from illness, spiritual good, and actor Takeshi Kaneshiro chat. Bowie to be working with John Woo, very excited. John Woo's new film in preparation for many years, "Pacific Wheel" the day before finally shooting in Huairou, starring Takeshi Kaneshiro and Bowie have attended the starting ceremony, Zhang Ziyi, Song Hye Kyo, Huang Xiaoming, Japanese actress Masami Nagasawa and John Woo daughter Wu Feixia scenes because the day before did not show up. ...