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The Lord of team working on a new "born war mad" 10.29 test

2015-10-16 12:03:15来源: 178游戏网

今日(10月16日),《天生战狂(battleborn)》宣布将于10月29日开启技术测试。此次测试规模极小,目的在于测试25位游戏角色的平衡性以及服务器的质量。 申请测试地址>> 参与这次测试的玩家必须签订保密协议,可见Gearbox并不希望此次测试泄露更多游戏内容。玩家可以注册...

today (October 16), the natural war mad (battleborn) "announced will open on October 29, testing technology. The test is very small, the purpose is to test the balance of the 25 game characters and the quality of the server. Application testing address to participate in the test of the players have to sign a confidentiality agreement, the Gearbox does not want to see the test leaked more game content. Players can register...