新关注 > 信息聚合 > 洛阳三彩作品《弟子》获“百花杯”金奖


Luoyang Sancai works "disciple" won the "flowers Cup" award

2013-11-06 01:10:22来源: 大河网

□记者 于茂世 本报讯 由中国工艺美术协会主办的第十四届中国工艺美术大师作品暨国际艺术精品博览会日前在武汉国际会展中心开幕。来自国内外的600多家展商展出数万件工艺美术作品,令人目不暇接,叹为观止。 由洛阳三彩艺术博物馆、郭爱和三彩艺术工作室报送的三彩作品《弟子》在数千件参评作品...

- reporter Yu Maoshi the China sponsored by the association of Arts and crafts masters fourteenth China works of art and International Art Fair opened in Wuhan International Conference and Exhibition Center recently. More than 600 exhibitors from home and abroad show tens of thousands of pieces of works of Arts and crafts, dizzying, as the acme of perfection. Luoyang Sancai Art Museum, by Guo Aihe Sancai art studio submitted "disciple" tri colored glazed pottery in thousands of entries...