新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016年下半年深圳市招考紧缺专业公务员职位表下载


In the second half of 2016, shenzhen to admit by examination professional job shortage table to download

2016-11-09 23:49:26来源: 中公教育

2016年下半年深圳市招考紧缺专业公务员公告已发布。报名时间为11月12-21日。报名方式:网上报名。请参见此次考试的考生在规定的时间内报名。更多广东公务员考试信息,请关注广东公务员考试网。 点击...

In the second half of 2016, the shenzhen recruitment shortage of professional civil service announcement has been published. Time signing up for the November 12-21. Enrolment: online registration. Please see the examination within the prescribed time, the candidates for registration. More information on guangdong civil service exam, pay attention to the guangdong civil service exam net. Click on the...