新关注 > 信息聚合 > 济南:春节租车不如去年走俏 或因私家车数量激增..

济南:春节租车不如去年走俏 或因私家车数量激增..

Jinan: Spring Car or popular than last year due to the surge in the number of private cars ..

2016-02-07 17:27:05来源: 中国新闻网

说到回家过年,机票、火车票有时一票难求。近两年,省城春节期间的租车市场也跟着火爆起来。不过,记者调查发现,与去年很多车型早早便被预订一空相比,今年春节期间,汽车租赁整体情况呈现业务量下滑的局面。记者张舒 全国连锁公司生意紧俏 在高新区上班的程斌在济南工作了三年,“济南哪儿都好,就...

When it comes to home for the holiday, air tickets, train tickets are sometimes hard to get a ticket. The past two years, the provincial capital rental market during the Spring Festival also followed hot up. However, the reporter found that compared with last year a lot of cars will be booked early, during the Spring Festival this year, the overall situation presented car rental business volume slowdown. Reporter Zhang Shu national chain business is tight in the high-tech zones in Jinan Cheng Bin to work for three years, "Jinan where are good, ...