新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第二届“中国创翼”青年创业创新大赛江西决赛收官


The second "Chinese" wing "youth entrepreneurial innovation contest final MSC in jiangxi province

2016-07-29 15:05:47来源: 中新网江西分社

中新网江西新闻7月28日电 第二届“中国创翼”青年创业创新大赛江西赛区决赛28日在鹰潭成功收官。 据了解,大赛得到了全省广大创业者的广泛关注,共有822个项目报名参赛,经过初赛、复赛的激烈角逐,最...

Jiangxi news, July 28 (Reuters) the second "Chinese" wing "youth entrepreneurial innovation contest finals in jiangxi 28 in yingtan successfully packaged. It is understood that competition has wide wide attention of entrepreneurs, the province entered a total of 822 projects, qualify and heats, the most...