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“大暑”送行中国体操队 冲击金牌轻松上阵

"Great heat" off the Chinese gymnastics team gold medal easily

2016-07-22 22:31:40来源: 中国新闻网

中新社北京7月22日电 (记者 张素)几乎全新阵容出征里约奥运会的中国体操队,22日晚从北京出发,与其说是送行,更像是一次“联欢”。 当日恰逢中国传统节气“大暑”,是一年中最热的日子。媒体、球迷...

China news agency Beijing, July 22 (xinhua wei Yang) almost entirely new lineup to Rio DE janeiro Olympic Games the Chinese gymnastics team, 22 evening from Beijing, is not so much off, more like a "party". Day coincided with Chinese traditional throttle "great heat", it is the hottest day of the year. The media and fans...