新关注 > 信息聚合 > 别说没提醒你!创业失败的十大必踩深坑


Don't say no to remind you! The ten will hit the pit of business failure

2016-04-03 14:04:00来源: TECH2IPO创见

创业失败理由千千万,本文将为你总结出最无法容忍的十大创业深坑。不过说实在话,列出前浪们死在沙滩上的原因是为了帮助后浪们可以吸取教训,但愿后来者可以心似明镜不再吃创业前辈们吞过的苦果。为什么说创业难?因为前路漫漫,栽倒在这十个坑里的创业者最多。 第一坑:不够聪明聪明在这里无关真正定义上的 IQ。创业 IQ 也叫 EIQ,是对整体宏观形势的揣度。很多创业者自己百分之一百地理解自己的项目,却不怎么懂得为何市场能够接受这个创意或者市场为何要否定自己想法。除此外,创业者同样不明白为什么那么多偶发不可控、毫无规章可言的创新却能生龙活虎地落地。甚至连自己产品真正的竞争者都有谁,他们都可...

Entrepreneurship failure reasons, this article will be for you to come to the conclusion that the most intolerable ten big pit. But honestly, I listed before the waves are dead on the beach after the reason is that in order to help the sea can learn lessons from the past, I hope others can eat heart like a mirror is no longer venture predecessors swallow the bitter. Why said it difficult? Fell a long way to go, because the former into the ten pit most entrepreneurs. The first pit, not smart enough clever here has nothing to do with real definition of IQ. Entrepreneurship IQ is also called the EIQ, is a circle, the overall macroeconomic situation. Many entrepreneurs one hundred percent understanding of their own projects, but don't know why the market can accept this idea why deny their ideas or market. In addition, entrepreneurs also don't understand why so many accidental uncontrolled, no rules of innovation is alive to the ground. Even the real competitors who have their products, they can be...