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斗鱼全程直播PGI 周莉莉OB解说神预判引观众惊呼

Fight fish live broadcast PGI Zhou Lili OB commentary God prejudge the audience exclaimed.

2018-07-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

7月25日,绝地求生PGI全球邀请赛正式开打,全球20支顶级吃鸡战队齐聚柏林,共同角逐绝地求生至高荣誉以及高达200万美元的赛事总奖金。斗鱼拿下了本次赛事的直播权,除了为水友们提供蓝光高清直播外,还将送出价值200万元的活动奖品。此外最重要的是,斗鱼还邀请了NB211周莉莉、走黯等职业选手,组成豪华“OB解说团”,为观众带来更直观、更专业、更有趣的解说。 在25日刚刚结束的TPP模式第一轮比赛中,韩国战队Gen.G.Black凭着连续三把前五的表现,揽下1720的积分,暂列TPP积分榜榜首;国际战队Liquid以最后两把连吃两鸡的表现,收获1685的积分,位列次席;中国的两支队伍OMG...

In July 25th, the world's PGI global invitational tournament was officially opened. The world's 20 top chicken - eating teams gathered in Berlin to compete for the highest honor of the Jedi survival and the total bonus of up to $2 million. The fighting fish won the right to live in this event. Apart from providing blue light HD live for the water friends, it will also send out prizes worth 2 million yuan. In addition, the most important thing is that the fighting fish also invited the NB211 Zhou Lili, to go dark and other professional players, to form the luxury "OB commentary", to bring a more intuitive, more professional, more interesting explanation for the audience. In the first round of the first round of the TPP model at the end of 25, the South Korean war team Gen.G.Black, with a continuous three first five performance, took 1720 points, and listed the top of the TPP list; the international war team, with the last two pairs of two chicken, harvested 1685 points, and two teams in China, OMG.

标签: 直播