新关注 > 信息聚合 > 是什么促使From Software的《只狼 影逝二度》成为动视发行的游戏?

是什么促使From Software的《只狼 影逝二度》成为动视发行的游戏?

What prompted the From Software of "Wolf shadow passed two degrees" become activision issue of the game?

2019-01-29 17:00:55来源: 游戏时光

在《只狼 影逝二度》于去年E3公布前,几乎没人能想到动视会成为这部游戏的发行商。一直以来,From Software在2009年的《忍者之刃》(由微软发行)以后就没再和其他的美国公司一起推出过游戏,而选择了万代南梦宫、Sony和Capcom等本土发行公司。但就像《只狼》之于其他From Software的游戏的区别,这次From Software与动视的合作为双方都开辟了一片新天地。在From Software刚开始着手开发《只狼》时,上层并没有确定与某家特定发行商合作。工作室曾拿着项目企划和多家公司进行过协商。“动视是对这个项目兴趣最浓厚的公司。”From Software的宣传负责人北尾泰...

In the Wolf shadow passed a second before the E3 last year, almost no one can think of activision will become the game publishers. In 2009, has long been the From Software "ninja blade" (issued by Microsoft) later don't again and other U.S. companies to launch the game, and chose ten thousand generation south dream palace, Sony and Capcom local distribution companies. But just as the Wolf to the other From game Software, the difference between the the From Software and activision cooperation for both sides to set up a new land. In the From Software has just begun to develop "the Wolf", the top didn't identify with a particular vendor cooperation. Studio with a project and several companies to negotiate. "Activision is the most strong company interested in this project." The From Software, head of the propaganda of north end ty...

标签: 游戏