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Blizzard benefits: ladder nickname can be changed for free

2016-05-23 19:47:07来源: TechWeb

暴雪今天宣布,为了迎接《守望先锋》的正式到来,玩家将被赋予一项新的福利——免费更改战网昵称。 暴雪福利:战网昵称可以免费修改了 目前,免费更改战网昵称的活动已经在战网启动,但需要强调的是每个ID只有一次免费更名机会,因此在确认更改前仍需要三思。 而对于那些不打算更改战网昵称的玩家来...

Blizzard announced today that, in order to meet the "watchman pioneer" of formal arrival, players will be given a new welfare - diablo iii will be free to change the nickname. Blizzard benefits: ladder nickname can be changed for free At present, the activities of the diablo iii will be free to change the nickname has been in ladder games started, but need to emphasize that each ID only one free name change opportunity, so think twice before you still need to confirm the changes. And for those who don't want to change players to ladder nickname...

标签: 暴雪