新关注 > 信息聚合 > Zai妹发飙 怒斥Noob私自上传选手视频

Zai妹发飙 怒斥Noob私自上传选手视频

Zai Mei freak video accosted noob secretly upload players

2015-09-07 17:11:53来源: 游久网

NoobfromUA是Youtube上一位以上传比赛视频和选手第一视角的视频作者.. NoobfromUA是Youtube上一位以上传比赛视频和选手第一视角的视频作者。但今天NoobfromUA在未经允许的情况下上传了Zai的第一视角视频,遭到了Zai本人的反对。 如果你想上传我...

NoobfromUA is YouTube A to upload video game and the first player from the perspective of the video author. NoobfromUA is a YouTube to upload video game and the first player from the perspective of the video author. But today, NoobfromUA Zai in the case of the first video uploaded to the Zai, was the object of my opposition. If you want to upload me...

标签: 视频 AI