新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《噬神者3》今日推出1.3更新,Switch版试玩即将推出


"God-eater 3" today launched a 1.3 update, Switch version of the trial is about to be launched

2019-05-15 16:27:19来源: 游戏时光

万代南梦宫旗下共斗狩猎游戏《噬神者3》于今日放出了1.3版本更新,加入了新荒神、同行 NPC、任务、服装等内容。1.3版本为本作追加了通关后的剧情任务,尼鲁和基斯也将成为玩家的可同行角色。此外本次更新加入了“阿努比斯灰岚种”和“天羽々斩”两只新荒神供玩家挑战。玩家也可以在更新后游玩更多的强袭讨伐任务和服装、装饰。官方还一并宣布了《噬神者3》1.4版本更新将在今夏早期到来。1.4版本将追加一个“限时狩猎”模式,该模式下玩家可以看到荒神的剩余血量,根据玩家的讨伐时间给予金、银、铜三个级别奖章,且 PS4 版将和 Steam 版推出联动服装。此前万代南梦宫宣布本作将于7月11日登陆 Switch 平...

The Wandai Nanmenggong Co-hunting Game "God-eater 3" released a 1.3 version update today, adding new desolate gods, peer NPC, tasks, clothing and other content. Version 1.3 adds the plot task after customs clearance, and Nero and Keith will also become players'peer roles. In addition, two new gods, Anubis Gray Lands and Tianyu Chopping, were added to the update for players to challenge. Players can also play more forcible quests, clothing and decoration after updating. Officials also announced that the 1.4 version of "Devil-eater 3" will be updated early this summer. Version 1.4 will add a "time-limited hunting" mode, in which players can see the remaining blood of the god, according to the player's time to fight for gold, silver, copper medals three levels, and PS4 version will be launched with the team version of the linkage clothing. Earlier, Wandai Nanmeng Palace announced that this work will land on Switchping on July 11.

标签: Switch