新关注 > 信息聚合 > 来自东方的茶灵 《茗心录》茶灵男神带你领略不同茶文化

来自东方的茶灵 《茗心录》茶灵男神带你领略不同茶文化

From the east ling "ling Ming heart record tea spirit man god take you enjoy different tea culture

2018-06-15 00:00:00来源: 人民网

今日,由美生元旗下发行品牌晶石互娱及齐思妙想共同发行,麦萌游戏研发的国内首款茶拟人二次元乙女向卡牌手游《茗心录》将进行重要角色独家曝光。此次为各位雅士倾情介绍7位风度翩翩,雅人深致的亚洲茶灵小哥哥。他们时而深情款款,时而俏皮可爱,时而傲娇冷艳,时而温暖向阳。总有一款会是你的pick。 【少年仗剑,谁与争锋】 金骏眉 金骏眉,隶属红茶中正山小种的分支,由制茶师傅手工筛选制作,再经数道复杂的加工步骤得以完成。 金骏眉茶灵是个喜爱手工和机械制品、十分尊重手艺人的小少爷,虽然长相看上去有些顽皮娇贵,但喜好玩耍的他似乎并不怎么在乎自己的少爷形象。背着的剑盒看似累赘,但可是暗藏玄机的手工艺...

Today, issued by the raw yuan's brand SPAR entertainment and common issue JiSi whim, MaiMeng game research and development of China's tea personification secondary yuan b woman to swim the nameplates, heart record card player sole exposure will have important role. The emotional introduces seven dashing for the fellow scholars and luhya how Asian tea spirit little brother. Their eyes and is nifty and lovely, and sometimes spoiled leng yan, sometimes warm sun. There is always a will be your pick. [young battle sword, 】 die another eyebrow Mr. Jin Eyebrow, Mr. Jin is small kind of black tea is mountain branch, produced by tea master manual screening, then through several complex processing steps to complete. Eyebrow tea Mr. Jin ling is a favorite of manual and mechanical products, a respected artisan little young master, although the appearance looks a little naughty too, but he seems to be fond of playing master didn't care about their own image. Carrying a sword box looks like white elephants, but but they rhyme crafts...