新关注 > 信息聚合 > 极维客VR电竞清华北体出线锁定 北航“内战”即将..

极维客VR电竞清华北体出线锁定 北航“内战”即将..

E-sports tsinghua Taipei for a wiki VR locking buaa. "civil war" is.

2016-05-12 19:58:30来源: 新浪

极维客VR世界版《王者荣耀》高校电竞赛已经如火如荼的进行了三周,截止目前,清华大学和北京体育大学两所高校的出线队伍已经锁定,这四支战队将代表母校参与北京赛区冠军的角逐,并有机会竞争全国总冠军。 此前清华大学决出四强,分别是“PBH”、“咸鱼突刺”、“ZBT”、“明明是我们先的”。在随...

Wikis VR world edition of the king of glory the electricity competition already in full swing for three weeks, so far, and two universities in Beijing sports university, tsinghua university qualification team has locking, the four teams will be on behalf of his Alma mater in the Beijing conference championship race, and a chance to compete the national championship. After decide the semi-finals, tsinghua university, were "PBH", "spikes" salted fish, "ZBT", "it is indeed our first". In the...

标签: 电竞 VR